7 Work from Home Best Practices


If working remotely full time is part of your new reality, know that we’re in this together. No matter where you are, we’re here to help you stay productive and balanced as you navigate our ever-changing world. Here are seven work from home best practices that can help you in this current time.

1. Support your work style

No matter what industry you work in, understanding the ways you work best is key to adapting your current work style when you’re completing your tasks away from your office.

Do you thrive when working independently, or is maintaining constant collaboration with team members ideal? However you get more done, having the right digital toolkit is key. Start by ensuring you and your team are using the same apps and programs that simplify virtual meetings, managing tasks and collaborating. And if you work solo, your software and applications are like virtual sidekicks. Make sure you’re working with the right combination that keeps you productive.

2. Create a dedicated workspace desk

Increase productivity and save time setting up your devices with a dedicated workspace that fits your work style. Choose a quiet spot that reduces distractions, has a strong Wi-Fi signal and allows you to set work aside at the end of each day.

You’ll also want to consider the tech you need to stay in a state of productive flow, whether that be a full workstation or just the essentials. If you run a small business or are freelancing, you may be wondering what you need to set up to work-from-home successfully. CDW and Dell are here to help guide you to your ideal setup with comprehensive solutions that work for you today and can adapt with you well into the future.

3. Connect via tech during social distancing

Technology makes it possible for us to communicate across the world and participate in virtual communities that enrich our lives in so many ways. Now more than ever, staying connected with your teammates, friends and family can make a difference in your day.

Try a virtual conference tool for face-to-face online meetings and schedule a virtual coffee break with a teammate to catch up. Using an instant messaging tool is another great way to reach out and build better work relationships. When in-person interactions aren’t an option, challenge yourself to go outside of your comfort zone and check in on a different coworker every day.

4. Close apps for better bandwidth

It can be tempting to use technology to the fullest when you’re surrounded by your devices at home. But anyone who has tried to download large files or stream content while videoconferencing knows that pushing internet bandwidth to the limits can make for a very unpredictable situation. Avoid dropped meetings and stay online by minimizing activities on the web, at least for the duration of your virtual meeting.

Some of the biggest culprits that drain your internet bandwidth include having multiple devices connected and active, running background applications, downloading files and streaming content. Reduce these, and you’ll be able to dedicate the extra bandwidth to the applications and programs you need for work.

5. Take real breaks (you deserve them!)

While staying focused is the goal of these work from home best practices, it’s also important to practice self-care. Set aside moments to explore mindfulness, hydrate, stretch and unplug throughout the day.

Some experts recommend breaking from your tasks every hour to boost your energy levels, improve your circulation and clear your mind for a better mood. You’ll find that carving out a little time for yourself will ultimately reduce stress levels and boost productivity.

6. Balance your work from home lifestyle

When you work from home, establishing boundaries is essential for maintaining a happy personal life. In addition to work-related tasks, you might find yourself spending more time online streaming music and shows, attending online classes and surfing social media. When you’re relaxing, give yourself permission to not respond to emails and check in on tasks after a certain time each day.

If you’re working from home for the foreseeable future, this best practice is even more crucial because it protects you from getting burned out. Figure out the times when you can rest and refresh, then set firm rules so that those times won’t be interrupted by work needs.

7. Make home network security a priority

It can be easy to forget cybersecurity best practices when working from home. But using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) and secure Wi-Fi are crucial tools to ensuring your personal and company data stays safe. You’ll also want to beware of hackers during this time — never open questionable email attachments or click on suspicious links.

If you’re looking for more work from home best practices, Dell and CDW can help. Visit cdw.ca/dell to explore seamless solutions that can help you stay safe and connected from anywhere.